Tuesday 11 October 2011

Coursebook Conundrums (Pt 2)

What to check in a course book. Identify:
(1) actual methodology (which may differ from the stated one)
(2) syllabus (topic? notional? functional? structural? combination?)
(3) content and balance (grammar, lexis, pronunciation, skills, strategies)
(4) organisation (starting point, integration, recycling)
(5) lesson/unit aims (don’t teach ‘pages’!)

What to check in a unit
(1) Content & Balance
Grammar, Lexis, Pronunciation, Skills, Integration, Learning Strategies
(2) Aims
Relevance, Quantity, Challenge
(3) Topics
Relevance, Interest
(4) Methodology
Telling vs. Eliciting, Input vs. Discovery, Teaching vs. Testing, Teacher vs. Learner centered, Fluency vs. Accuracy, Communication vs. Mechanical Practice
(5) Text
Relevance to aims, Complexity, Authenticity, Length, Interest
(6) Teacher / learner support
Rules, Explanations, Guidelines

Important Questions for Teachers to Answer

1. Why may I want to adapt?

1.1 Omit something because...

•      pupils are clear about a language point.
•      pupils are competent in a skill.
•      there are too many tasks on a particular area/point.
•      the item/area concerned is not a priority.
•      the item/task is not well designed.
•      the item/task is not well-suited to its aim(s).
•      the topic is not appropriate for pupils.

1.2 Re-order or combine in order to...

•      match aims.
•      use a practice task for lead-in and elicitation.
•      revise an area earlier than the book does.
•      compare and contrast areas.
•      provide thematic unity.
•      provide an appropriate follow-up.

1.3 Replace because...

•      texts are of inappropriate length.
•      materials are inappropriate to the aim.
•      materials are inappropriate to the pupils' experience.
•      materials are unclear/ confusing / misleading.
•      tasks are badly designed.

1.4 Add something because...

•      areas are not covered (sufficiently).
•      texts/pictures/tasks are not provided.
•      texts/pictures/tasks are fewer than needed.
•      tasks are limited in scope.
•      tasks are of limited range regarding methodology.

2. What can I adapt?

•      Aims
•      Topics
•      Texts
•      Visuals
•      Guidelines and Explanations
•      Exercises, Activities, Tasks
•      Games, Quizzes, Questionnaires

3. Where do I find alternatives?

•      Same course book
•      Other ELT books
•      Publications (newspapers, magazines, encyclopedia, etc)
•      Media (TV, Radio)
•      Internet
•      Own materials production
•      From colleagues

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